Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Antiseptication of the Language of Sex and the Revenge of Talking Dirty

As was mentioned before, academia has converted the language of sexuality into a mass of words that are not only unappealing, but have also stripped these words of any form of obscenity or visualization (of the act) when they are utilized. The vibrant colors of these fantastic words have been repainted in boring black and white.
Sex becomes Copulation
Oral Sex becomes Foreplay
Oral Sex performed on a man becomes Fellatio
Oral Sex performed on a woman becomes Cunnilingus
This same sequelation converts our "private parts" into alien words like vagina, penis, vulva, and introitus.
And the list goes on. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that most "colorful" words (vulgarities) are related to the sexual act or deal with excreted bodily fluids? Apparently, any sort of connection between vulgarities and natural human physiological and reproductive (see, there we go again) processes cannot be openly discussed in any scholastic environment or "serious" book or publication.
But we can use this to our advantage, that is, if your partner is willing. Since such "technical" words for the sexual act have become so sterile, it gives the "dirty" words a lot more punch when you use them. Especially if you use them sparingly and don't abuse them.
Like if you had something to say to your boss when you quit work and left the company. "Why don't you and your company go fornicate yourself!" doesn't have the same impact that more liberal expressions might have. So, truly, we can use this language to our advantage for maximum impression.
The bedroom is a lovely place for this. I never understood it until years ago. I was dating a very sophisticated and highly-educated woman. She was a linguist and spoke six languages. She was very proper and a bit difficult to please, really. A bit out of my league, but we had a decent relationship going. She was always mindful of how I presented myself and how I acted, so I often received those "if looks could kill" glares from her. Needless to say, I was careful of what I said and how I acted in her company.
One night we were in the bedroom and something accidentally slipped out of my mouth during the passion. Something my old English teacher would have wrapped me on the fingers for being "off-color." I thought to myself, "Oh, boy, I'm sure she didn't like that!" So I followed it up with something equally impressive like, "Oops! I'm sorry..."
She didn't respond and I know she had to have heard me. Hmmmmm.... Maybe I just got lucky or maybe she liked to be talked "dirty" to....? I certainly doubted it. So, I stuck this little piece of information in my sexual-card catalog for next time. I didn't mention anything to her when we were finished, and she didn't bring it up.
The next time we were together I went a bit further with my "off-color" language and she didn't say anything. We were still having sex but I paused with the language for a bit. Then I brought it back, a bit stronger and nastier. Needless to say she was really enjoying these words but didn't want to express it via her own words or with her body. But she just couldn't hold her libido back and she just went absolutely crazy! The dirtier I talked the more sexually aroused and excited she became. Literally, you could have wired her up to a power grid and she could have powered all of New York City with her sexual energy. She went completely nuts and had an orgasm that nearly tore my penis off.
When we were finished, she didn't mention anything. Neither did I. She knew I was aware of her secret, but we both pretended it didn't exist. With our later sessions I would sometimes "talk dirty." Not all of the time, as I wanted to keep it fresh, surprising, and impulsive.
She loved being talked dirty to; and the filthier and nastier I was, the more she loved it. She was the absolute last person in the world I would have ever imagined would love this type of sexual language. She was truly a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It's amazing that something so simple as common language, when its nastier side is exploited and revealed, can have such intense sexual effects.
I think part of the attraction of such words, as noted earlier, is that they are taboo in most social circles. These words are considered vulgar and that someone who was "educated" would never use such words. In our professional lives, if we are in a situation where such sexual- or bodily-functional words are used, we have to use the most sterile word available to get our definition across. This literally castrates the power of the word with this form of usage. "I hope my husband performs cunnilingus on me tonight," isn't something that a woman is likely to phrase in her mind, when she's thinking about her husband during the day.
So, even though our every-day sexual language has been neutered, those who choose to, can benefit from this censorship. It's actually quite relieving, stimulating, and powerful to just let yourself go and say whatever comes to mind, especially if your partner enjoys it, too. It's like getting revenge for letting them turn such beautiful and natural acts into such cold and lifeless words.
Kimi Kalfino
Men interested in exploring the boundaries of modern-day sexuality with all of its socialistic shackles and alien restrictions are welcome to broaden their sexual horizons by learning Autofellatio. A guide that will help is the book Yogafellatio.

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